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Open Hearts and Minds

Giving disadvantaged children the chance of an education.

Phil and Sarah met Edward in 2009 when they were living in Kenya.  Edward had a dream… to build a school for disadvantaged children in the village he grew up in.  While visiting the village, Phil and Sarah were struck by the children’s desperate desire to learn; but their parents simply couldn’t afford to send them to school. They drove away from the village determined to do something to help ease this situation. Together with Edward, they founded Open Hearts and Minds; they built a school in this deprived community in western Kenya for children whose families cannot afford to send them to school.

Read more about OHAM  and find out more about the School

We are so privileged in the western world to have easy access to education.  Fact: up to 1.4 million children do not attend primary school in Kenya.  But with your help we can change this and make these children’s dreams come true; now they can look forward to their future with hope and open hearts and minds.

Find out how you can help in our mission to bring education to these children.

Sponsor a child now!
It’s as cheap as a chocolate bar!

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Kenya Locks Down and Open Hearts and Minds Responds

Like most other countries, in response to the growing COVID-19 pandemic Kenya implemented a lockdown in mid-March. With families being told to stay at home and to not go out for work, the...


2020 – A Strange Year for Open Hearts and Minds School

While 2020 has been a challenging year for all of us, it has been the strangest in our 10 year journey at Open Hearts and Minds School! The year started off as normal...


Clean Water Saves Lives

Our clean water scheme has already helped over 100 families have safe drinking water. In Europe and America, we take for granted the clean water that flows from our taps. However, life is...

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I love that I can help someone that I haven’t met!  Sponsoring Kevin and Grace means I can give them a chance at a better future than they would have had.  I really love getting the photos and seeing the joy in the children’s faces… you can tell they really love going to school.  Having visited Africa myself I know that the need there is so great; but the little that I can give makes me feel I’m doing some good.

BS, Ohio, USA

My children love sponsoring Joseph through the Open Hearts and Minds School.  We particularly asked if we could sponsor a child who is the same age as our son, so that we could watch him grown and compare their lives to see what differences there are - it has been quite an eye opener for all of us, and a brilliant lesson for our children.  We enjoy receiving the school reports and photographs giving us an update on his progress. It is amazing to think we are supporting a child through school for just the price of a chocolate bar a day - it is incredible and so easy to do.

SJH, Cheshire, UK

The Open Hearts and Minds Charity is such a wonderful charity to support.

OHAM gives children a future they deserve, with opportunities for employment, good health and happiness. As a small charity I know any financial support I give goes straight to working for the children and their community. For me and my family we have the joy of receiving gorgeous letters and pictures from Vivien and reports from the teacher letting us know how she is getting on in class, and also her friendships and health. It is the direct link to the school that makes the experience of supporting OHAM far more personal and special. Our small monthly contribution is shaping Vivien’s future and supporting her friends and family too for today and for tomorrow.

SH, Cheshire, UK

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Open Hearts and Minds

26 Grantwood Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, UK, LE13 1SB


OHAM is registered as a non-government organisation in Kenya: No. OP.218/051/2009/092/5676.

OHAM is a 501(c)(3) public charity in the USA. Donations and contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

OHAM is recognised as a charity in the UK by HMRC for tax purposes. This means you can Gift-Aid your donations.